Unleashing the power of functional genomics in drug discovery

Our platform

Unbiased, scalable, conclusive

Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived cell models offer an extraordinary opportunity to study human disease. We have developed a functional genomics screening platform to query biology within the context of these physiologically relevant cell types.

We perturb genes at large scale utilising CRISPR knockout, CRISPR activation and CRISPR interference technologies. Our innovative approach is applicable across a wide range of biological questions and disease areas.

We can perform functional genomic screens in your established cell models, our ready to screen ioCells™, or we can engineer custom cell models. Our technology is scalable, readily deployable in a range of applications and customisable to your research needs.

iPSC-derived cell models

Customer supplied cells

We work with your established iPSC-derived cell models and differentiation protocols.

We understand that researchers and pharmaceutical companies may have their own iPSC-derived cell models and specific differentiation protocols that they prefer to work with. For example, a cohort of patient-derived iPSC lines to model a disease of interest.

We enable our customers to leverage their existing resources and maximize the relevance and applicability of our CRISPR screening service by onboarding your lines and protocols.


Our in-house models powered by opti-ox™ precision cellular reprogramming technology

optimised inducible overexpression (opti-ox™) technology is a precision cellular reprogramming technology to rapidly and efficiently force iPSCs into a specific cellular identity.

We offer a portfolio of iPSC-derived ioWild Type Cells™ and ioDisease Model Cells™ for CRISPR screening. The latest information can be found below.

Custom models

Don't see what you are looking for? We engineer custom iPSC-derived cell models

We recognise the critical need for accurate and tailored models to enhance drug discovery research. Leveraging our expertise in cell engineering, we provide a comprehensive solution that enables the generation of iPSC-derived cell models customised to our customer’s specific research objectives.

By precisely introducing disease-associated mutations or modifying genes of interest, our custom models offer a powerful tool for studying disease mechanisms, identifying and validating therapeutic targets, and evaluating the efficacy of potential drug candidates.

Discuss creating your custom model with our experts today!


Our process

Cell engineering

Customer supplied iPSCs or ioCells™

We onboard your iPSC lines and engineer the cells to express Cas9 or you can select from our ready to screen ioCells™.

Functional genomic screening

CRISPR screening

You nominate the genes of interest, and we take care of the rest.

Depending on your biological question, we can perform CRISPR knockout, CRISPR knockdown or CRISPR activation screens.

YOUR differentiation protocol or opti-ox™ reprogramming

We differentiate the iPSCs into the cell type of interest based on your protocols or we activate opti-ox™ reprogramming.


Functional readouts

Readouts are customisable depending on your needs and can include survival/proliferation, transcriptomics including single-cell RNA sequencing, flow cytometry or microscopy.

Bioinformatic analysis & results

Our dedicated team of in-house bioinformaticians perform all the analysis for you.



Genetically validated targets have a higher chance of delivering clinically successful drugs. Our high-throughput screening approach allows for the unbiased identification and validation of the drivers of disease and thus primes your next drug discovery campaign for success.


Mechanism of action studies are essential to develop a deeper understanding of cellular responses to a drug. Our approach can elucidate transcriptional changes following drug treatment and identify genes that impact drug action.


opti-ox™ technology combined with CRISPR perturbation allows us to create isogenic disease models in which a disease-causing mutation can be studied next to an isogenic wild-type cell line. Our read-outs allow for comparison of transcriptional profiles at single-cell resolution.